The "word2vec" family of methods provided a great breakthrough in natural language processing. The methods assign to each word a vector in $R^{n}$, such that the "similar" words are assigned vectors close to one another in the space. Later on the concept has been generalized to graph research in machine-learning, where "nearby in some sense" nodes of a graph are assigned "nearby" vectors in $R^{n}$.
"Deepwalk" and "node2vec" are the most popular ones, both of them define "nearby nodes" as nodes co-occuring in some random walks many times.
The "node2vec" considers unusual type of random walk - they call it "biased second order random walk" (the comments are given below).
Question: Have this (or similar) random walks been considered in mathematical literature ? What is known/unknown about them ?
"Biased second order random walk".
That random walk is defined with the help of two parameters p,q - positive real numbers. Random walk is "second order" that means it remembers the previous node (denoted s1). Now assume the current node is "w" . We split nearby nodes in THREE categories:
s1 - just the previous node
the nodes which are neigbours of BOTH - current node w and previous node s1
the other neigbours of current node w, not falling in categories above.
Now we give weights 1/p, 1, 1/q for these categories, so first we sample category according to these weight, and latter choose node uniformly in category.