I'm looking for nice overviews on $\phi^{4}$-field theory from the mathematical-physics point of view. To be a little more specific, here are some topics I'd like to read about:
(1) What are the motivations, both from the physics and mathematical point of view, to study $\phi^{4}$-theories?
(2) What has been (mathematically) accomplished so far? What are the most important open questions nowadays?
(3) What are the tools used to (rigorously) study these class of models? Renormalization group, cluster expansions, etc.
My motivation for this question is a rather simple one: I'm teaching myself some field theory but it is really hard to find these discussions on books. In general, books are more interested in solving problems and sometimes I find myself studying some models that I don't know anything about. Also, I'm primarily interested in statistical mechanics, so this helps to narrow the question a bit more. Connections with statistical mechanics and QFT are welcome too, but I don't want a purely QFT reference (I'm sufficiently lost in my own area of interest, after all). Thanks in advance!