I'm currently working with Artin $L$-functions in function field extensions (on one variable, over finite fields). I have heard about a theorem of Honda-Tate which vaguely states that a polynomial $P \in \mathbb Z[T]$ satisfying certain properties (Riemann hypothesis, functional equation, etc.) is the zeta function of such a function field.
I know very little about algebraic geometry, and when I look for Honda-Tate I only find texts about isogenies of abelian varieties, so it is of little use to me stated that way.
Would someone be kind enough to provide a statement of Honda-Tate's theorem in the form above, or give a reference to such a statement ? My goal would be to prescribe (inverse) roots of Artin $L$-functions of a certain shape, say $\sqrt q$ with a given multiplicity, $\sqrt q e^{2i\pi/3}$ with a given multiplicty and so on.