Any information about the following questions would be welcome.
I wonder whether there are (well-known or easy) closed and infinite dimensional subspaces of $L_p([0,1])$ ($1<p<\infty$) whose unit ball is compact for the topology of convergence in measure.
If they do exist, can they be described or characterized? (Do they linearly embed into $\ell_p$ or into $\ell_2$?)
Note that, in the case $p=1$, such subspaces of $L_1([0,1])$ were already considered in the literature. For instance, in a paper called "On subspaces of $L^1$ which embed into $\ell_1$", G. Godefroy, N.J. Kalton and D.Li obtained a description of the subspaces whose unit ball is compact and locally convex in measure (Thereom 3.3 and Corollary 3.5 therein). In their words: "Corollary 3.5 somehow means that the subspaces of $L^1$ whose unit ball is i $\tau_m$-compact locally convex are close to the trivial ones, that is, to w$^*$-closed subspaces of copies of $\ell_1$ generated in $L^1$ by a sequence of disjoint indicator functions."
However, there exist subspaces of $L^1$ whose unit ball is compact but not locally convex in measure (Theorem 4.1 therein).