(This is a literature/reference question.)
So... long story short:
(1) In my present research, I needed a theory of continuous functions from the $p$-adic integers to the $q$-adic integers. Unable to find a quick answer online, I ended up writing a paper (un-published) in which I worked out the basic details of this theory, developed an integration theory, translation-invariant measures, a Fourier transform, and so on.
(2) Just recently, after traveling down the rabbit hole of the literature, I've found that much (if not all) of what I did in my paper—along with quite a bit of extra details—were covered in A.C.M Rooij's Non-Archimedean Functional Analysis (1978). Unfortunately, this book is now woefully out-of-print; cheapest available copy I could find is $250 (US).
(3) I was fortunate enough to be able to at least find a copy of the table of contents of Rooij's book; scroll down to the bottom of the linked page to see it. Chapters 5 through 9 are what I need.
My question: What are some non-out-of-print books that cover this material? (Preferably with as little abstract nonsense as possible)
I ask because the books I immediately pull up when searching for "non-archimedean functional analysis" end up being riddled with either rigid analytic spaces and/or modern abstract nonsense, as opposed to the clean and direct analysis that I'm looking & hoping for. Any help would be much appreciated.