[Edit:] Some related info on number of connected components of NN-graphs can be found here: https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/a/47037/2408
Sample $N$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ from some distribution $f$, e.g. uniform $[0,1]^d$, or Gaussian $\mathcal{N}(0,1)^d$, or whatever...
Question 1: What is known/survey/references on $K$-nearest-neighbor graphs for such data clouds ? (that means we connect each point with $K$ its nearest neighbors). At least for some distributions $f$ like uniform or Gaussian ?
Question 2: For example what is known about degrees distribution ? Simulations suggest it is power-law, what is the exponent depending on $d$ and $f$?
There is good survey on Wikipedia - Geometric random graphs, but a little bit different class of graphs is considered there. I.e. points are connected if the distance is shorter than threshold $r$ (and, well, distribution is only uniform). It is more common in practical applications to consider $K$-NN graphs, rather than GRG, by the clear reason - the size of graph is $K\times N$, while for GRG you might get $N^2$ (in the worst case).
Question 3 Is there a way looking on $K$-NN graph to estimate dimension $d$ of the space, at least for uniform/Gaussian distributions ? Somewhat similar as "cluster coefficient" of GRG depends only on the dimension $d$:
Question 4: Is there an estimate of clustering coefficient for $K$-NN graph ?
Question 5: If one considers minimal spanning tree for $K$-NN graph, what is known about it ? Degree distribution ?
I am aware about the following beautiful result on the length estimate for Euclidean MST: