Question 1. Let $\Gamma=(V,E)$ be a connected graph with $n$ vertices, all of degree $d\geq 4$. Assume every vertex has $d$ distinct neighbors. (We can think of $d$ as being much smaller than $n$, but not necessarily bounded.)
As is customary, for a set of vertices $W\subset V$, we define the boundary $\partial W$ to be the set of vertices not in $W$ that have at least one neighbor in $W$. Call a set $W\subset V$ connected if the corresponding subgraph $\Gamma|_{W}$ of $\Gamma$ is connected. Write $|S|$ for the number of elements of a set $S$.
What sort of lower bound can we give on $\max_{\text{$W\subset V$ connected}} |\partial W|$?
Question 2. What happens if you remove the assumption that all vertices have the same degree, and just require them to have degree between $3$ and $d$, say?