Let $\operatorname{AGM}(x,y)$ be the arithmetic-geometric mean of $x$ and $y$. Given an error $\varepsilon>0$, a bound $b\in\mathbb R_+$ and a function $f:\mathbb R\rightarrow\mathbb R$ with $f(x)=O(\log x)$ and $f(x)=\Omega(\log\log x)$ for which rationals $\frac pq\in\mathbb Q_+$ with $0<p<b$ and $0<q<b$ is it possible to find $x=\frac{p'}{q'},y=\frac{p''}{q''}\in\mathbb Q$ with $\mathsf{\max}(|p'|,|q'|,|p''|,|q''|)<f(b)$ such that $$\Bigg|\frac pq-\operatorname{AGM}(x,y)\Bigg|<\varepsilon$$ holds?
Is there explicit methods to write such $x,y$ down?
The density of such representable $\frac pq$ should be tiny. Nevertheless are there special forms where this can be done. So are there special family of rationals?