I am trying to obtain an Approximating expectation of exponential of Wishart matrix $X (N,N)$ with $\operatorname{rank} (X)=K$defined as:
J = E[{e^{{v^H}Xv}}]
where $v$ is $(1,N)$ given vector.
I have used Wishart distribution defined by: \begin{align} f = {e^{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{\lambda _i}} }}\prod\limits_{i = 1}^K {\lambda _i^{N - K}\prod\limits_{j > i}^K {{{({\lambda _i} - {\lambda _j})}^2}} } \end{align} and using the eigenvector written of $X$ as $ X = U\Sigma {U^H}$ so the problem can be written as: \begin{align} E[{e^{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^K {{b^i}{\lambda _i}} }}] \end{align} For smaller value on $N$ and$K$ I found finite expression bat as function of $b^i$ that are obiened by multiplying the vectors of unitary random matrix $U$ by my vector $t$.
can I say that $E[b_i]=||t||^2 $?
if it's possible can same person help me or give me another approach Thanks