Let $\varphi: G \to G^\prime$ be a homomorphism of finite flat group schemes over a locally noetherian base scheme $S$, and let $h_\varphi: h_G \to h_{G^\prime}$ be the induced homomorphism of sheaves of abelian groups on $(\mathfrak{Sch}/S)_{\mathrm{fppf}}$. I wonder what are the equivalent conditions for $h_{\varphi}$ to be injective (surjective).
More specifically, are the following equivalent:
- $\varphi$ is a closed immersion;
- $h_\varphi$ is injective.
And are the following equivalent:
- $\varphi$ is faithfully flat;
- $h_\varphi$ is surjective.
Furthermore, is the category of finite flat group schemes over $S$ an abelian category?