A conjecture was made on p.14 in "Cycle Classes of the E-O Stratification on the Moduli of Abelian Varieties" by Torsten Ekedahl (late, excellent contributor to MO) and Gerard Van Der Geer concerning number of elements of the Weyl groups defined in the initial paragraph of the paper and supposing these can be identified with OEIS A000629.
Conjecture. Fix a positive integer $g$. Let $W_g$ be the subgroup \begin{align} \left\{\sigma \in S_{2g} \mid \sigma\left(i\right) + \sigma\left(2i+1-g\right) = 2g + 1 \text{ for all } g \right\} \end{align} of the symmetric group $S_{2g}$; this is a Coxeter group of type $C_{g}$. It is isomorphic to the semi-direct product $S_g \ltimes \left( \mathbb Z / 2 \mathbb Z \right)^g$, where $S_g$ acts on $\left( \mathbb Z / 2 \mathbb Z \right)^g$ by permuting the factors.
Let $w_\varnothing \in W_g$ be the permutation that sends $1, 2, \ldots, g, g+1, g+2, \ldots, 2g$ to $g+1, g+2, \ldots, 2g, 1, 2, \ldots, g$, respectively. Let $\leq$ denote the Bruhat order on $W_g$. Then, the number of all $w \in W_g$ that satisfy $w \leq w_\varnothing$ is \begin{align} \left. \left(x \dfrac{d}{dx}\right)^g \left(\dfrac{1}{1-x}\right) \right|_{x=1/2} \end{align} (OEIS sequence A000629).
What is the status of this conjecture? Confirmed or not?
Lemma 2.14 of the paper shows that an $w \in W_g$ satisfies $w \leq w_\varnothing$ if and only if all $i \in \left\{1,2,\ldots,g\right\}$ satisfy $w\left(i\right) \leq g+i$. Thus, it is not necessary to understand the Bruhat order to approach this conjecture.
Edit (May 14, 2020):
The sequence A000629 is of some general importance in algebra and combinatorics. It is the row sums of the unsigned partition polynomials A263634 and A127672, related to the logarithmic derivative of e.g.f.s, or formal Taylor series, and, consequently, to the raising op for Appell sequences and, thence, to Weyl and Heisenberg algebras and series and integral convolutions, to the cumulant expansion theorem, and to the Faber polynomials A263916 (and, therefore, the symmetric polynomials/functions). So, any further combinatorial proofs of the conjecture would perhaps inform these constructs.
In fact, Getzler alludes to necklaces in a natural generalization of the identity above to A263634 in "The semi-classical approximation for modular operads."