This is related to this question about a "mother of all" groups, and so seemed like it'd fit in better at MO than MSE.
If I understand the answer to that question correctly, the surreal numbers have a nice characterization as being the "monster model" of the theory of ordered fields (and I think also the real-closed fields), which means that every ordered field embeds into the surreal numbers. In the answer to the question above, Joel David Hamkins gave an interesting example of what the monster model of the theory of groups would look like, which has the property that every possible group is a subgroup of this group (which caused it to be dubbed the "Hamkins' All-Encompassing Group-Like Thing," or I suppose HAEGLT, in the comments).
This question, then, is about Conway's formalization of combinatorial games, of which the surreal numbers are embedded. Conway's games are much more general than the surreal numbers, and have (among other things) the following structure:
- There is a commutative sum of two games (which agrees with the sum on surreal numbers)
- For any game, there is an additive inverse (so we have an abelian group)
- There is a partial order on the games
- There are nilpotent games, such as the star $\{*|*\}$ game of order 2, as seen in Conway's analysis of Nim
My question is, are the Conway games the monster model of the theory of... well, anything familiar related to the above? Abelian groups? Partially ordered abelian groups? Something else?
To my precise, I am sure there is probably some way to devise some artificial theory that the games are technically a monster model of. What I am wondering is if they are a monster model of some familiar algebraic theory that people use all the time, or perhaps some such theory with just a bit of added structure. Since they generalize the surreals in a fairly "natural" way, it seems intuitive that they might be a monster model of some equally "natural" theory that is more general than that of ordered fields.
EDIT: I previously wrote that the surreal multiplication can also be extended to a commutative product on the entire theory of games, as shown on (page 412 of this book). However, this is apparently not entirely true, as written in the comment below, as there is some subtlety with the equality relation.