Here's a stab at the question that attempts to make use of the locale of real numbers. (If someone has published something similar, please point me towards it). The reasoning behind this is that if you care about completely choiceless foundations, you are most likely studying topoi including ones that pop up in non-foundational applications, and locales are just inherently more useful than topological spaces in that setting since results about them are easy to translate.
The central idea is to classically (where by classical we mean BISH) rephrase a function satisfying upper + lower Lipschitz conditions using interval arithmetic in the following way: we define $f : \mathbf{R} \to \mathbf{R}$ to have a Lipschitz derivative $f'(U) : I(\mathbf{R})$ on an interval I if
$f(x) - f(y) \in f'(I) (x-y)$
where we remind the reader that $f'(I)$ is an interval and that arithmetic operations with interval are just interval arithmetic as practiced by applied mathematicians. This is just a basic rewriting of the Lifshitz conditions $A(x - y) \leq f(x) - f(y) \leq B(x - y)$ using interval multiplication. However, now that we have had a taste of how the Lipschitz condition really defines a (not necessarily optimal) numerical approximation of a derivative, we may go all the way and rephase everything for intervals $I_1$, $I_2$ instead of points:
$f(I_1) - f(I_2) \subset f'(I) (I_1-I_2)$
where this still uses interval arithmetic. Since the direct image of a map from the locale of reals to itself maps intervals to intervals, we can view this as a definition of Lipschitz derivatives that is more locale-friendly. A key observation here is that if you have an open cover where all $I_i \subset I$ have f-derivatives $f'(I_i) \subset f'(I)$, then $f'(I)$ is a Lipschitz derivative on $I$.
To define the derivative at a point $p$ (i.e. completely prime filter $\mathit{N}(p)$ ), we view it as the limit of the prefilter of Lipschitz derivatives at neighbourhoods of $p$ which are subsets of some decidable neighbourhood of $p$ where $f$ is Lipschitz continuous.
We say classically that $f$ is pointwise differentiable at p with derivative $f'(p)$ if $\forall \epsilon > 0$ there is a neighbourhood of p where f has Lipschitz derivative $[f'(p)-\varepsilon, f'(p)+\varepsilon]$. Clearly, if f' is a bounded function defined on a closed interval, then in BISH countable choice + separability gives that f is Lipschitz continuous everywhere, and if it is zero everywhere the Lipschitz derivatives are arbitrarily tight, and the function is constant.
However, if we want to rephrase this for the locale of real numbers, the condition of having a continuous function as the derivative only really makes sense if the derivative is also a map of locales, so you want to flip that definition on its head without changing what it means in constructive math with CC. Here you should require that the function is Lipschitz continuous everywhere in order for the derivative-as-a-function to be well defined, and this means that we can check the inverse image of any open Lipschitz derivative to see where $f$ satisfies the Lipschitz condition on all closed rational subintervals of the inverse image. This doesn't have the same flavour as changing the notion of derivative to be non-local, it basically only requires that an actual computer can actually verify numerically that $f'$ is the derivative of $f$ from approximation of real numbers as rational intervals without any other limits on how quickly things converge.
Now, in choiceless foundations, we can still just use the fact that maps between spatial locales are just continuous functions between sober spaces, so in that case requiring that f' is constant at every point does indeed imply that the map factors through a point. So if you define f' as an optimal Lipschitz derivative on all intervals (i.e. that f is Lipschitz continuous) and you assume that the reals are spatial, being pointwise zero does indeed mean that f is constant. This is an alternative to the "uniformly zero" condition in the other answer, and its assumptions of the locals being real are effectively dual to assuming Heine-Borel.
(Alternatively, you could define that the derivative is zero not as a pointwise function but as a map of locales by making it factor through the one point locale, and this gets rid of the spatiality condition. But then the result is just too trivial since we would be effectively just directly defining the function to be constant)