Let us study vector bundles $E$ and $F$ on a smooth projective curve $C$. There is a Riemann-Roch type formula for the Euler characteristic $\chi(E,F)=dim\, Hom(E,F)-dim\, Ext^1(E,F)$ in terms of degrees $d(E),d(F)$, ranks $r(E),r(F)$ and the genus $g$ of $C$. Assume that this formula gives a non-positive number (this is equivalent to $\mu(F)-\mu(E)\le g-1$).
Is it true that for generic $E$ and $F$ with such ranks and degrees one has $Hom(E,F)=0$? Or is it true at least for some $E,F$?
(This is clearly true for line bundles, but I failed to answer the question for arbitrary vector bundles after several days of thinking)