In this post I will discuss some cardinal characteristic of the continuum, related to partitions of $\omega$ and would like to know if it is equal to some known cardinal characteristic.
By a partition of $\omega$ I understand a cover of $\omega$ by pairwise disjoint nonempty subsets. A partition $\mathcal P$ is called finitary if $\sup_{P\in\mathcal P}|P|$ is finite.
A family $\mathfrak P$ of partitions of $\omega$ is called directed if for any two partitions $\mathcal A,\mathcal B\in\mathfrak P$ there exists a partition $\mathcal C\in\mathfrak P$ such that each set $S\in\mathcal A\cup\mathcal B$ is contained in some set $C\in\mathcal C$.
Let $\mathfrak P$ is a family of partitions of $\omega$. An infinite subset $D\subset\omega$ is called $\mathfrak P$-discrete if for any partition $\mathcal P\in\mathfrak P$ there exists a finite set $F\subset D$ such that for any $P\in\mathcal P$ the intersection $P\cap (D\setminus F)$ contains at most one point.
Let $\kappa$ be the smallest cardinality of a directed family $\mathfrak P$ of finitary partitions of $\omega$ admitting no infinite $\mathfrak P$-discrete set $D\subset\omega$.
It can be shown that $\mathfrak b\le\kappa\le\mathfrak c$ (the upper bound follows from the observation that any maximal directed family of finitary partitions has no infinite discrete set, see Proposition 6.5 in this preprint).
Problem 1. Is $\kappa$ equal to some known cardinal characteristic of the continuum?
Problem 2. Is $\kappa=\mathfrak c$ in ZFC?
Problem 3. Find lower and upper bounds on $\kappa$ (which are better than $\mathfrak b\le\kappa\le\mathfrak c$).
Added in Edit. The lower bound $\sup_{U\in\beta\omega}\pi(U)\le\kappa$, suggested by Todd Eisworth can be improved to $\mathfrak s\le \kappa$. One can also prove that $\max\{\mathfrak b,\mathfrak s,\}\le\mathfrak j\le\kappa\le\mathrm{non}(\mathcal M)$ and hence $\kappa$ is not equal to $\mathfrak c$. The cardinal $\mathfrak j$ is discussed in this MO-post.