Let $l_1,l_2,\dots,l_m$ be parallel lines in the plane, say $l_k=\mathbb R\times\{k\}$. On the $k$th line fix a set $V_k$ consisting of $n_k$ points.
Let $(V,E)$ be a directed graph whose set of vertices is $V=\bigcup_{k=1}^mV_k$ and set of edges $E\subset\bigcup_{k=1}^{m-1}V_k\times V_{k+1}$. For an edge $(u,v)\in E$ let $I(u,v)=\{tu+(1-t)v:0<t<1\}$ be the convex segment without the endpoints $u,v$.
We shall assume that for any distinct edges $(a,b),(c,d)\in E$ the open intervals $I(a,b)$ and $I(c,d)$ are disjoint.
The graph $(V,E)$ represents a computer network. Now assume that some set $I\subset V$ of vertices is infected by a virus.
Question. What is the smallest number of cuts, necessary for isolating the ``infected'' set $I$ from its complement $V\setminus I$?
By a cut we understand deleting all edges that start at some vertex or end at some vertex. More precesely, we say that a subset $E''\subset E$ is obtained by a cut from a subset $E'\subset E$ if $E''=E'\setminus C$ where $C$ is equal to $\{(x,y)\in E':x=v\}$ or $\{(x,y)\in E':y=v\}$ for some vertex $v\in V$.
Let $c(V,E;H)$ be the smallest length $l$ of a sequence $E_1,\dots,E_l$ such that $E_1=E$, each $E_{i}$ is obtained by a cut from $E_{i-1}$, and $E_l$ contains no directed edge $(x,y)$ with $x\in H$ and $y\in V\setminus H$.
Problem 1. Find (a reasonable upper bound for) $\max_{E,H}c(V,E;H)$ as a function of $n_1,\dots, n_m$ (where $n_k=|V_k|$).
Problem 2. Elaborate an efficient algorithm for cutting a set $H\subset V$ from its complement $V\setminus H$ in a given digraph $(V,E)$.
This problem (in a bit modified form) was posed on 27.11.2019 by Vladislav Shapiro (from Bedford, Massachusetts) on page 34 of Volume 3 of the Lviv Scottish Book.
Prize. 2 tickets to Boston Bruins.