Normally a 2-sided error randomized algorithm will have some constant error $\varepsilon < 1/2$. We know that we can replace the error term for any inverse polynomial. And the inverse polynomial can be replaced for an inverse exponential. Say that we have an algorithm $A$ with $\varepsilon_A=1/p(n)$ for some polynomial $p$ that runs in $T(n)$ steps, and by repeating the algorithm $O(\log \frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ times we obtain and algorithm $B$ with success probability close to 1 but with a logarithmic overhead.
My question is:
(1) If the error decreases polynomially faster, for practical purposes, do we still need to repeat the algorithm several times? Because if we do so we get a logarithmic term (which is not desired), but leaving it as it is, the algorithm will still have a success probability close to 1 for sufficiently large $n$.
(2) What about an exponentially faster decreasing error? Here it seems that we don't need to repeat the algorithm at all.
The same questions apply for 1-sided and 0-sided errors.