In this post, irrep and dim mean "irreducible complex representation" and "dimension", respectively. It would be helpful (in a problem of monoidal category) to find a finite group $G$ with (at least) two irreps of dim $5$ (denoted $5_1$ and $5_2$) and (at least) two irreps of dim $7$ (denoted $7_1$ and $7_2$) with $$ 5_1 \otimes 5_1 \simeq 1 \oplus 5_1 \oplus 5_2 \oplus 7_1 \oplus 7_2$$Question: Is there such a finite group $G$?
Remark: such group should be of order a multiple of $35$ and should admit irreps of dims $5$ and $7$, which is helpful to rule out the following cases with GAP on a laptop:
- simple, of order less than $10^6$,
- perfect, of order less than $15120$,
- general, of order less than $2240$.
Let $a_n$ be the smallest order of a group with an irrep of dim $n$ ( $1, 6, 12, 20, 55, 42, 56, 72, 144, 110, 253, 156, 351, 336, 240, 272,\dots$
In particular, $a_5=55$ (given by $C_{11} : C_5$) and $a_7=56$ (given by $C_2^3 : C_7$). Now, I don't even know if there exists a group $G$ with $|G|<55 \times 56=3080$, and with irreps of dims $5$ and $7$.