I am totally new in the area of complex geometry. I have been reading this paper by Steven Krantz The Carath ́eodory and Kobayashi Metrics and Applications in Complex Analysis. In the definition of the Kobayashi length (Section 3)(Please find screenshot), I have the following doubts:
1) Fix a point $P \in \Omega$ and a vector $\xi$ which is thought of as being tangent to the plane at the point $P$
They haven’t mentioned any particular plane in the paper since the beginning so should I assume its the complex plane? What does $\xi$ bieng tangent to the plane at $P$ mean?
2) We define the infinitesimal Kobayashi or Kobayashi/Royden length of $\xi$ at $P$ to be
What is the significance of the word infinitesimal here. And is the length of $\xi$ measured from the origin to the point $P$?