See also Math StackExchange: Is there a prime of the form $(9n)!+n!+1$?
Recently, user Peter from Math StackExchange asked for a prime of the form $(9n)!+n!+1$ (where $n$ is some natural number).
With the help of a computer he was able to find primes of the form $(kn)!+n!+1$ for $k=1,2,4,6,7,8$ and he was also able to find probable primes for $k=3,5$ (please see the StackExchange question linked above). Additionally, I was able to find that $n=237$ and $n=54$ give the smallest probable primes for $k=10$ and $k=11$ respectively.
However, for $k=9$, I checked every $n\le 2000$ using Mathematica with no prime found (!). Is there any reason for this or is it just „bad luck“?
Here is the Mathematica code I used:
SetSharedVariable[primes, checked]; primes = {}; checked = {};
If[! PrimeQ[n + 1],
If[PrimeQ[(9 n)! + n! + 1], AppendTo[primes, n]]
AppendTo[checked, n],
{n, STARTHERE, STOPHERE}, Method -> "FinestGrained"
{Sort[checked], primes}
for(m=1, 10000, for(n=1, 100, if(eulerphi(m)==(9*n)!+n!,print(m+1))))
in the web Sage Cell Server, choosing as Language GP. $\endgroup$