Given two diagram of chain complex $C_*,D_*$(with field coefficient) and a map $f$ between them, assume there are filtration $F_1^*,F_2^*$ on this two diagram and $f$ respect filtration. Let $Gr(C_*),Gr(D_*)$ be the associated graded module of each filtration, it's easy to see they are also diagram of chain compex and $f$ induce a map between them, denoted by $Gr(f)$. If $Gr(f)$ is homotopy equivalence of two diagram, can we say $f$ is also a homotopy equivalence ?
(It's easy to see that $f$ is quasi-isomorphism on every position of diagram by spectral sequence, and is also a homotopy equivalence on every position because we use field coefficient, this do not imply homotopy equivalence of diagram. But I think $Gr(f)$ be homotopy equivalence of diagram is a more strong condition, so may be $f$ is also a homotopy equivalence?)