Background: The binomial coefficients $C(n,k)$ satisfy the recurrence $C(n,k)=C(n-1,k)+C(n-1,k-1)$ and some terminating conditions, for more information check here.
$C(n,k)$ doesn't appear to be efficiently computable via the recurrence even with caching, but it can be computed in time $O(n)$ via the factorial formula.
For natural $n,k$, define $G(n,k)=G(n-2,k)+G(n,k-2)$ if $n,k>2$, otherwise the terminating conditions are $G(n,k)=n+k$. If necessary, change the terminating conditions for the questions below.
Q1 What is the time complexity of computing $G(n,k)$? Is it $O(n)$ (we have $G(n,k)=G(k,n)$).
Q2 How is $G(n,n)$ growing? Is it $c^n$ for some constant $c$?
Q3 Is there combinatorial interpretation of $G(n,k$), is it counting something?