I noticed a repeating theme in vector bundle theory, and wonder if there's a theorem that describes this kind of phenomenon.
Given a vector bundle $E$ over a manifold $X$. If there is a nowhere-vanishing section for some associated bundle, then the structure group for $E$ can be reduced.
Let $M^m$ be an Riemannian manifold. If there is a nowhere-vanishing section for $\Lambda^{m} {T^*M}$, then the structure group for $TM$ can be reduced from $O(m)$ to $SO(m)$.
Let $M^7$ be a compact oriented Riemannian manifold. If there is a nowhere-vanishing section for $\Lambda^3_+T^*M$, then the structure group of $M$ can be reduced to $G_2$. (Implicitly mentioned by a informal/use-at-your-risk note section 2.4 proposition 2.)
Is there a more general theorem that depicts more examples like these?
Update (2019-09-17)
I think I have a more specific statement in mind, but lack of a rigorous proof. Given that the statement is correct, I feel that the proof can be found in some elementary textbooks about principle G-bundles. Thus, I apologize posting this question here rather than math-stack-exchange: I posted this here based on my ignorance about principle $G$-bundles.
The statement (still need a proof!) goes as follows:
Let $E\to M$ be a $G$-bundle with vector space fiber $F$, $\Phi$ a functor from ($G$-rep) to ($G$-rep), and $H$ the stabilizer group in $G$ for some fixed element $x\in\Phi(F)$. Then the followings are equivalent.
- The structure group of $E$ can be reduced to $H$.
- There exists a nowhere vanishing global section for $\Phi(F)\to M$.
For example, let $v$ be a nonzero vector of $\mathbb{R}^n$, its stabilzer in $GL(n)$ is isomorphic to $GL(n-1)$, so the existence of a nonvanishing section reduces the structure group from $GL(n)$ to $GL(n-1)$. Similarly, the existence of an independent $k$-frame reduces the structure group to $GL(n-k)$. If you find more comfortable with vector bundles (rather than $G$ bundles as I did), this is simply saying that there is a rank $k$ trivial subbundle in our vector bundle. Also notice that if $v$ was taken to be a zero vector, then its stabilizer is the whole group and the statement says the structure group can be reduced to itself (a null statement!).
I find this statement useful (if proved!) for it can be applied to more complicated cases when the functor $\Phi$ is not taken as an identity. For more example,
If $\Phi=Sym^{2,*}$, $x$ is a nondegenerated metric, then the stabilizer is the orthogonal group. Having a nonvanishing metric thus means that the structure group can be reduced to the orthogonal group.
If $\Phi=\Lambda^{top}$, similar arguments show that the existence of a nonvanishing top form is equivalent to "orientableness".
For $\Phi=\Lambda^{3,*}$, the second example in the original post shows a $G_2$ structure on a $7$-manifold.
In this paper, proposition $3.2$ proves that for a 7-dimensional compact manifold $M^7$, then $TM$ admitting a $Spin_7$ structure implies a $SU(2)$ structure! And the argument is to first use representation theory to create three independent spinors, whose stabilizer is $SU(2)$ at the fibre level, and to successfully reduce the structure group from the large $Spin_7$ to $SU(2)$.