I've been reading the book of Hilton, Mislin, and Roitberg on Localization of Nilpotent Groups and Spaces. In Section II.2 they define a principal refinement at stage $n$ of a Postnikov system $$\cdots \to X_n\overset{p_n}{\to} X_{n-1}\to \cdots$$ to be a factorization of $p_n$ into a finite sequence of fibrations $$X_n=Y_c \overset{q_c}{\to}\cdots\to Y_1\overset{q_1}{\to}Y_0=X_{n-1}$$ whose fibers are Eilenberg-MacLane spaces $K(G_i,n)$.
But isn't the point of a Postnikov system that $p_n$ is already a fibration whose fibers are Eilenberg-MacLane spaces? So I don't understand why the condition of the definition isn't satisfied trivially at every stage. Perhaps there's some subtlety involving the condition also given that each $q_i$ be induced by a map $g_i: Y_{i-1}\to K(G_i, n+1)$, but aren't all fibrations with fiber $K(G_i, n)$ induced this way since $K(G_i, n+1)$ is the base of a path-space fibration with fiber $K(G_i, n)$?