Context: I am trying to show the convergence of an optimization method which includes orthogonalization in the update step.
Problem: Let's say I have real matrices $A, B \in \mathcal{R}^{n xm}$. If important, $n \gg m$ and I also know that the rank of the matrices is $m$. I can also assume that the norm of each column of $A$ and $B$ is 1. I orthogonalize both matrices using Gram-Schmidt. Let's say the resulting matrices are $Q_A$ and $Q_B$. I need to bound the square of the Frobenius norm of the difference of the matrices ($\|Q_A - Q_B\|_F^2$). Since there might be multiple orthogonalization, I am interested in the upper bound on the minimum of this quantity.
Question: Is there anyway I can bound $\|Q_A - Q_B\|_F^2$ using $\|A-B\|_F^2$ or any function of $A, B$.