This Question is inspired by a Quote of Moore's
"There are two ‘evil’ influences at work here: 1. we are toilet trained with algebras not coalgebras 2. some of us are addicted to manifolds and so think of differential forms as given by God and all the rest are the works of man."
I understand what a coalgebra is and what a comodule over a coalgebra is. I am curious if anyone knows of some lecture notes, a text or fun little toy examples that i could work on. Ideally I would like to better understand what a cotensor product is and maybe feel comfortable computing some Cotor groups. I am currently looking at such objects in the category of chain complexes, so more concrete suggestions will be appreciated. So if you have: 1. the name of a text that has lots of examples that it works through, essentially something that tries to correct for Moore's first point, or 2. a list of examples to work through, like "hey, look at this algebra and this module etc...", or 3. illuminating thoughts or mantras that I can recite while working with such gadgets I would really appreciate hearing from you.
Thanks, Sean