As the visuallization of an algebraic stack is virtually impossible I warn about this is a soft question.
I am interested in thinking visually about algebraic stacks (also higher and derived stacks, but let´s start from the beginning) and I find quite suprising the fact that there isn´t a single "picture" of an algebraic stack in the literature. I would expect some analogue to Mumford´s illustration of schemes for some example of algebraic stack but I cannot find it.
To be concrete, take moduli stack of vector bundles $\mathcal{M}$ (of fixed rank and chern class) on a scheme $S$. How would you represent it graphically? The way I usually imagine $\mathcal{M}$ visually is that the fiber over a point of the base scheme is not a single vector bundle but a set of vector bundles related by isomorphims. However the condition that makes the stack to be algebraic (and consequently a geometric space) is roughly (for an Artin stack) that the diagonal is representable, quasi-compact and separated and that it has a smooth cover by an scheme (the atlas). Following T. Gomez "Introduction to Algebraic Stacks"
I understand from this that if you have a family of isomorphic vector bundles $V_{ki}$ in each point $k$ (where $i=1,2,3,...$ denotes different isomorphic vector bundles over the same point $k$) the scheme $U$ is going to contain at least one $V_{ki}$ for at least one value of $i$ in each point of $U$
It would be great if someone can clarify this and specially to offer some way to imagine visually an algebraic stak (a picture itself would be even better!)