I refer to "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic", by S. MacLane.
Let C be a category. Dealing with a subobject of an object $D \in \text{Ob}_{\mathbf C}$, one defines an equivalence relation between morphisms towards D:
Two monomorphisms $f:A\to D$, $g:B\to D$ with a common codomain D are called equivalent if there exists an isomorphism $h\colon A\to B$ such that gh= f. A sbobject of D is an equivalence class of monos towards D. The collection SubC(D) of subobject of D carries a natural partial order [...]. Then SubC(D) is the set of all subobjects of D in the category C.
I can't figure out why SubC(D) is a set, rather than a proper class! Indeed, we are considering something like an qeuivalence relation on
$\displaystyle \coprod_{A\in \text{Ob}} \text{Hom}_{\bf C}(A,D)$
which is not a set, as soon as C isn't small.
So, how can I avoid the problem?