For $n$ an integer, let $a_n$ be the number of ways in which one may partition the set $\{1, \ldots, 2n \}$ in two parts with:
- the same number of elements: $n$
- and the same sum: $2n(2n+1)/4$.
Find an equivalent of $a_n$.
Put in probabilistic terms: let $(B_i)_{1\le i \le 2n}$ be independent Bernoulli($1/2$) random variables. Find an equivalent of the probability:
$b_n = \mathbf P\left[\sum_{i=1}^{2n} B_i =n , \sum_{i=1}^{2n} i B_i = 2n(2n+1)/4\right]$
The two quantities are related by $a_n= 4^{-n} b_n$.
Edit: $n$ has to be even for the above quantities to be non-zero; otherwise the half-sum $2n(2n+1)/4$ is not an integer.
The (numerically verified) conjecture is that, for some constant $c$, and for even $n$:
$$a_n \sim c \cdot \frac{4^n}{n^2}$$
Using bravely local central limit theorem (which amounts to assume the two random variables $(\sum_{i=1}^{2n} B_i, \sum_{i=1}^{2n}i B_i)$ form a gaussian vector), computing the mean vector and covariance matrix of that vector - the two random variables are indeed correlated in the limit - and taking into account aperiodicity (edit: no need!), one might even guess that
$c= \frac{\sqrt{3}}{\pi}$
How to make this rigorous?
(The question was raised in RMS as R772, where the conjecture is also stated; I feel there is some interest to share this with a broader audience.)