There are $N$ rooms. In each room $i$, with probability $p_i$ one can find a prize. The cost of searching room $i$ for the prize is $c_i$. A user can search at most $n$ out of $N$ rooms. If a prize is found, he gets a unit reward and stops searching. The problem is to find the sequence of rooms to be searched so as to maximize his expected utility defined as the reward minus the cost.
Mathematically, suppose the user searches rooms $1$ to $n$ sequentially, his overall utility can be written as: $$U=1-(1-p_1)(1-p_2)\cdots(1-p_n)-[p_1c_1+(1-p_1)p_2(c_1+c_2)+\cdots+(1-p_1)\cdots(1-p_{n-2})p_{n-1}(c_1+\cdots+c_{n-1})+(1-p_1)\cdots(1-p_{n-2})(1-p_{n-1})(c_1+\cdots+c_n)].$$
With some algebraic operations and by defining $q_i=1-p_i$, the problem of maximizing $U$ can be mapped to the problem of minimizing the following function $V$: $$V=q_1\cdots q_n+(c_1+q_1c_2+q_1q_2c_3+\cdots+q_1\cdots q_{n-1}c_n).$$
My question is how to solve the combinatorial optimization problem of minimizing $V$? Is there any known problem that can help?