On p.24 of the book "Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category $\mathcal{O}$".
I quote: "For example, the fixed point $-\rho$ under the dot action lies in a linkage class by itself (and no other weight does). The usual notion of regular weight for $\lambda \in\mathfrak{h}^*$, requiring that the isotropy group of $\lambda$ in W be trivial, or $|W\lambda| = |W|$, is replaced in the setting of linkage classes by a shifted notion of regular weight (which might also be called dot-regular): the weight $\lambda \in\mathfrak{h}^*$ is regular if $|W \cdot\lambda| = |W|$, or in other words, $\langle \lambda + \rho, \alpha^\lor\rangle \neq 0$ for all $\alpha \in \Phi$. Weights which are not regular may be called singular."
My questions:
What is the definition of "weight" in bold? Is it just mean an element in $\mathfrak{h}^*$. Where can I find its definition? I just know the definition of a weight of a module.
Two members of my PhD committee insist that the terminology "weight" means an element in $\mathfrak{h}^*$ with some integral conditions, is that true?
If 2 is true, can I still define $\lambda\in\mathfrak{h}^*$ is a regular element if $|W\cdot\lambda|=|W|$?