Edit: According to the comment of Todd Trimble, I revise the question.
What are some examples of functors $F$ on the category of Abelian groups or category of rings which satisfy $$F(G\times H)\cong F(G)\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} F(H)$$
Edit: According to the comment of Todd Trimble, I revise the question.
What are some examples of functors $F$ on the category of Abelian groups or category of rings which satisfy $$F(G\times H)\cong F(G)\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} F(H)$$
The first thing that comes to mind is the symmetric algebra functor
$$A \mapsto Sym_{\mathbb Z}(A) = \oplus_{n \in \mathbb N} Sym^n_{\mathbb Z}(A) = \mathbb Z \oplus A \oplus (A\otimes A/ \Sigma_2) \oplus \dots $$
This may be regarded as a functor from abelian groups to commutative rings (it is left adjoint to the forgetful functor); or by composing with the forgetful functor it may be regarded as an endofunctor of abelian groups.
One way to think about this is to observe that $\oplus$ is the binary coproduct of abelian groups and $\otimes$ is the binary coproduct of commutative rings, so any left adjoint functor $Ab \to CRing$ must take $\oplus$ to $\otimes$.
Of course, many variants immediately present themselves. One may precompose with any additive functor and postcompose with any monoidal functor. For instance, $A \mapsto Sym_{\mathbb Q}(A) = \mathbb Q \oplus (\mathbb Q \otimes A) \oplus \dots$ also has the desired property.
Again there are variants like $A \mapsto \mathbb Q[A]$.