Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve. Let $A\in Pic(C)$. The Clifford index of $A$ is defined as $$Cliff (A)= deg\,A-2(h^0(A)-1).$$ What does this actually measure.
Next the Clifford index of $C$ is defined as $$Cliff(C)=min\{Cliff(A): A\in Pic(C),h^i(A)\geq 2\}.$$ Again the same question, what does this measure and why is there an assumption on global section dimensions.
Finally the Clifford dimension of $C$ is defined as $$min\{h^0(A)-1: A \text{ computes } Cliff(C)\}.$$
What are the motivations for all these definitions. What do these invariants measure. Clarifications will be very helpful.