Currently I am reading "Les schemas de modules de courbes elliptiques" by Deligne and Rapoport and I got myself seriously confused about the following proposition (in English translation):
(II Proposition 1.15): Let $(p \colon C \to S, +)$ be a generalised elliptic curve. Then there exists a locally finite family of closed and disjoint subschemes $(S_n)_{n \ge 1}$ such that:
a) $\cup_{n} S_n = $ the image (under $p$) of the subscheme of non smothness $C^{sing}$.
b) Locally in the fppf topology over $S_n$ we have that $C$ is isomorphic to the pullback of the standard $n$-gon (from $Spec(\mathbb Z)$).
What troubles me is the closedness of the $S_n$. This seems to forbid that one can have curves of the following shape: Let $S$ be the Spec of one dimensional local ring. Let $C \to S$ be a generalised elliptic curve, such that the generic fibre is a rational nodal curve (a 1-gon) and special fibre is a 2-gon ($I_2$ in Kodaira Notation).
One can construct such a family by just starting with a constant family of 1-gons and then blowing up the crossing point in the special fibre. Or am I mistaken here?
In that case, $S_1$ should be the whole of $S$ and $S_2$ should be the closed point. But this contradicts the disjointness.
thanks in advance, Holger.