This may be a very naive question which only reflects my failure at literature search, but:
Although realizability (in its original form at least) is grounded in computability, the details of computability theory itself don't seem too relevant for realizability as far as I can tell. For example, I don't know of any result in realizability which relies on (say) the Low Basis Theorem or on the solution to Post's problem. Basic computability of course plays a role - e.g. whipping up realizability semantics appropriate for computability notions which lack universal machines, such as the primitive recursive functions, is difficult and interesting - but (to my practically-nonexistent knowledge) the deeper results don't seem to play a role.
My question is whether this is accurate. In particular, I'd be extremely interested in any significant role played by priority arguments in realizability.
The most relevant thing I've found is Charles McCarty's paper "Realizability and recursive set theory", which established a connection between isols/recursive equivalence types and realizability. There are many results about isols, of course, which are proved via complicated priority arguments. However, unless I'm missing something this seems to be a situation where realizability sheds light on the isols, rather than results about isols being relevant to realizability.