Definition: Let $X$ be a topological space and $b\in X$. We call $X$ a Fort space (with particular point $b$), when $X$ has topology $\{A\subseteq X: b \not\in A \; \text{or} \; X\setminus A\; \text{is finite}\} $.
It is clear that a Fort space $X$ with particular point $b$, $X\setminus b$ is discrete and $X$ is one-point compactification of $X\setminus b$. So, a Fort space is simply ''Alexandroff Compactification of a Discrete Space''.
Now, let $X$ be an infinite Fort space with particular point $b$. I want to determine the family of all bounded functions from $X$ to $[0,1]$.
Actually, I don't know where to start and what to search for... So, any help is definitely appreciated.