The homotopy dimension of a space $X$, $hd(X),$ is the smallest covering dimension of any space homotopy equivalent to $X$.
There's a simple fact that if $X$ is homotopy dominated by $Y$ (denoted by $X\leqslant Y$), i.e. there exist maps $f:X\to Y$ and $g:Y\to X$ so that $g\circ f\simeq 1_X$., then $hd(X)\leq hd(Y)$ and if $X\not \simeq Y$, then it's not $hd(X)<hd(Y)$, for example, take $X=S^n$ and $Y=S^n\vee S^n$, with $f$ the inclusion into one of the wedge summands.
My question is that:
Is there any result which tells us with conditions on $Y$ we have "$X\leq Y$ and $X\not \simeq Y$ implies $hd(X)<hd(Y)$"?