Thompson's Group has two well known presentations:
$\langle x_0,x_1, ... $ | $ x_k^{-1} x_n x_k = x_{n+1}\forall k < n \rangle$
$\langle A,B $ | $ [AB^{-1}, A^{-1}BA], [AB^{-1}, A^{-2}BA^2] \rangle$
where $x_0=A$ and $x_n = A^{1-n}BA^{n-1}$
It is also known that every finite group exists as a subgroup of Thompson's Group. In particular, the Thompson Group has arbitrarily large torsion, as one can find any finite subgroup within it.
A simple construction like $G = \prod_{n \in \mathbb{N}} G_n$, where each $G_n$ is a finite group yields another group with arbitrarily large torsion.
What are good examples of other groups with arbitrarily large torsion? Can they be finitely generated or presented?
Thank you =)