The operator $G$ is always invertible - and this is true for general strongly continuous mappings $T: [0,\tau] \to \mathcal{L}(X)$, no matter whether they fulfil the semigroup law.
Proof. As indicated in Nik Weaver's comment, we write $G$ as $G = \operatorname{id} - B$, where
(Bh)(t) = \int_0^t T(t-s) A(s) h(s) \, ds.
(One might call $B$ a "vector-valued Volterra integral operator".) We show that the spectral radius of $B$ is $0$.
To this end, let $C := \sup_{t \in [0,\tau]} \|T(t)\|_{\mathcal{L}(X)}$ and $D = \sup_{t \in [0,\tau]} \|A(t)\|_{\mathcal{L}(X)}$ and note that $C,D < \infty$ by the uniform boundedness theorem.
For every function $h \in C(0,\tau;X)$ one easily checks by induction that
\|(B^n h)(t)\|_X \le (CD)^n \frac{t^n}{n!} \|h\|_{C(0,\tau;X)}
for each integer $n \ge 0$ and each $t \in [0,\tau]$. Hence,
\|B^n\|_{\mathcal{L}(C(0,\tau;X))} \le (CD)^n \frac{\tau^n}{n!}
for each $n$ and consequently, the spectral radius $r(B)$ fulfils
r(B) = \lim_{n \to \infty} \|B^n\|_{\mathcal{L}(C(0,\tau;X))}^{1/n} \le \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{CD\tau}{(n!)^{1/n}} = 0.
This proves the assertion.
Remark. The above proof is very close to the standard proof for the Picard–Lindelöf theorem for ODEs.