Let $C$ be the category of even-dimensional connected closed oriented topological manifolds/orientation-preserving continuous maps and $D$ be the category of finite-dimensional graded $\mathbb{Q}$-algebras.
We have a functor $H:C\rightarrow D$ given by singular cohomology.
Let us call a choice of an isomorphism of graded $\mathbb{Q}$-algebras $H(M)\otimes H(M')\rightarrow H(M\times M')$ for every $M$, $M'\in Obj(C)$ a Kunneth system. Projections $M\times M'\rightarrow M$, $M'$ define a Kunneth system which is functorial with respect to $H$ (Kunneth theorem).
For a contravariant functor $G:C\rightarrow D$ such that the induced map on objects is equal to one induced by $H$, it is meaningful to ask if the Kunneth system above is functorial with respect to $G$. The question: does there exist a contravariant functor $G:C\rightarrow D$ such that
- $G$ coincides with $H$ on the level of objects but not on the level of morphisms;
- for any non-negative even integer $i$, the contravariant functors from $C$ to $\mathbb{Q}$-vector spaces obtained by composing either $G$ or $H$ with the "$i$-th graded piece" functor are equal;
- the Kunneth system above is functorial with respect to $G$?
P.S.: this question is inspired by this question.