TLDR; I am trying to prove the existence of an infinitesimal rotation which always moves a matrix "closer" to being orthogonal.
In this setting, we have a matrix $W \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ with $n \geq m$. We then define two new matrices, $M = W^TW$ and $D = \text{diag}(M)$. I am concerned primarily with the quantity:
$L(D, M) = \log\det D - \log\det M$
We have $L \geq 0$, which we can derive from the KL divergence between two multivariate Gaussians: $L = KL(\mathcal{N}(0, D^{-1})|| \mathcal{N}(0, M^{-1})) \geq 0$, and $L = 0 \iff M\text{ is diagonal} \iff W \text{ has orthogonal columns}$.
Now, I want to apply a small rotation to $W$, i.e. $W' = WR$ such that $R^TR = I$. This way, the log determinant of $M' = W'^TW'$ is equal to the log determinant of $M$. However, if $R$ is chosen carefully then the log determinant of $D$ would decrease.
One (non-small) example could be found from the SVD of $W = USV^T$, setting $R=V$ would make $W'$ orthogonal and $M'$ a diagonal matrix.
Finally, my question is: Does there exist an infinitesimal rotation matrix $R$ which reduces $L$?
My attempt so far
We can define an infinitesimal rotation through the Lie algebra of the special orthogonal group. That is, choose an upper triangular matrix $E$, whose entries are all less than $\epsilon$. Then $A = \exp\{E^T - E\}$ is orthogonal, with $A = I + E^T - E + O(\epsilon^2)$. Now I could compute the elements of $D' = \text{diag}(A^TW^TWA)$ up to first order and try to find elements of E which reduce the log determinant. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to prove that such an $E$ exists in general.
Another approach may use surjectivity of the exponential map to say that some matrix $B$ exists such that $\exp\{B^T - B\} = V$, and then $\epsilon B$ probably decreases $L$ for a small enough $\epsilon$?
Is there a simpler way to show that some near-identity orthogonal matrix which decreases $L$ must exist? Perhaps we can use the smooth-manifold structure on orthogonal matrices to argue that in an open neighborhood around the identity there must be some matrix with the properties we want?
As a final comment, this seems related to Wahba's problem or the Orthogonal Procrustes problem but with an additional constraint on the matrix.