Your equation is linear, first-order and can be written as
\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}-v(x)\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=v'(x) f.
Using the characteristics of the vector field, you solve the (a priori non-linear) ODE, assuming say that $v$ is Lipschitz-continuous,
\dot \phi(t,y)=-v(\phi(t,y)),\quad \phi(0,y)=y.
Setting $w(t)=f(t,\phi(t,y))$, you see that if $f$ is a solution of your equation $(\ast)$, you have
\dot w(t)=v'(\phi(t,y)) w(t),
a linear scalar equation with solution
$. As a result,
and inverting the flow $\phi$ (at least for $t$ close to 0) with $x=\phi(t,y)$ equivalent to $y=\psi(t,x)$, we get
Your solution is written as
F=\frac{1}{v(x)} h(t+\omega(x)), \quad \text{$\omega$ antiderivative of $1/v$}
so that the initial condition forces
$g=h(\omega)/v$ and thus
\tilde w(t)=\frac{h(t+\omega(\phi(t,y)))}{v(\phi(t,y))},
is such that
$\tilde w(0)=w(0)$ and satisfies the ODE $(\ast\ast)$. By uniqueness for this ODE, you get indeed the solution given by the method of characteristics.