Consider the definition of measurable cardinal (this definition was found in Neil Barton's paper, "Large cardinals and the iterative conception of set"):
Definition 8. A cardinal $\kappa$ is measurable iff it is the critical point of a non-trivial elementary embedding $j$: $V$ $\rightarrow$ $M$, for some transitive inner model $\mathfrak M$ = ($M$, $\in$ ).
Given my limited understanding of set-theoretic potentialism, the above definition seems to me to rest on actualist assumptions (in particular, the assumption that $V$ actually exists).
This interpretation is born out of my understanding of current writings of set-theoretic potentialists, in particular, the slide presentation of Joel David Hamkins titled "Potentialism and implicit actualism in the foundations of mathematics" (his Jowett Society lecture, Oxford, February 2019). Consider the following, from his slide presentation:
A potentialist system $\mathcal W$ is convergent, with limit $M$, if
Every world in $\mathcal W$ is a substructure of $M$.
Every world in $\mathcal W$ can be extended so as to accomodate any desired individual of $M$.
The archetypal limit structure would (at least to actualists) at first glance seem to be $V$. However, Prof. Hamkins in another slide, states the following:
Potentialist translation
For every $\psi$ in $\mathcal L$, form the potentialist translation $\psi^{\lozenge}$ by
replace $\exists$$x$ by $\lozenge$$\exists$$x$ replace $\forall$$x$ by $\Box$$\forall$$x$.
Theorem. If a potentialist system $\mathcal W$ has has limit $M$ then
$M$ $\vDash$ $\psi$($a$) $\Longleftrightarrow$ $W$ $\vDash_{\mathcal W}$ $\psi^{\lozenge}$($a$),
for any world $W$ $\in$ $\mathcal W$ in which the individual $a$ exists.
Thus, actual truth in the limit structure amounts to potentialist truthe in the approximating structures. So the potentialist can in fact refer to th actual truth.
Proved by simple induction on formulas.
Finally, he writes the following:
The potentialist translation shows that in convergent potentialism, the potentialist can nevertheless accurately refer to truth in the limit structure, which is not part of the potentialist ontology.
Convergent potentialism is thus a form of implicit actualism.
Although the actual limit structure does not exist, nevertheless one has a full account of the objects and truths of it in the potentialist language. It is as though the actual limit structure exists in all the ways that matter.
But is this sufficient enough to derive the notion of measurable cardinal as stated above?