I need to emulate this sequence for a program: http://oeis.org/A025302
Stuff that I've taken into account:
- After finding the prime divisors of a number. I take any divisor as p and apply the following rule:
p is an odd prime divisor of n, then either p appears to an even power in n, or p≡1(mod4)
- Also I only consider sums of 2 distinct nonzero squares
The sequence in the described link only goes as far as 229. Until here my simulator using these 2 rules work, but I'm not so sure after that since I get these numbers ( which I'm not sure that they belong in my sequence ) when I loop until n <= 1000..
[0] 325 int
[1] 425 int
[2] 650 int
[3] 725 int
[4] 845 int
[5] 850 int
[6] 925 int
So my question is:
Do these 7 digits belong originally to the http://oeis.org/A025302 sequence, or have I gotten wrong my algorithm, if so, can you point the missing rule ?
Any question, feel free to comment