The method of steepest descent provides an asymptotic approximation for integrals of the form:
$$I = \int_C \exp(M f(z))\mathrm dz$$
for large positive $M$, where $f(z)$ is analytic in the region of interest, $C$ a contour and $f(z)$ goes to zero at the endpoints of the contour. The asymptotic approximation is:
$$I \sim \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{f''(z_0)}}\exp(M f(z_0)+i\theta)$$
where $z_0$ is a saddle-point of $f$ ($f'(z_0)=0$) such that the original contour $C$ can be deformed (fixing the endpoints) to pass through $z_0$ in a steepest descent direction (which defines the angle $\theta$) and assuming that it doesn't go through any other saddle-points for simplicity.
Is there a generalization for higher-dimensional integrals? For example,
$$J = \int_{C_1}\mathrm dz_1\int_{C_2}\mathrm dz_2 \exp(M g(z_1,z_2))$$
I haven't studied much of multi-dimensional complex analysis, so I'm not sure what conditions should be imposed on $g(z_1,z_2)$. But as suggested in (, say that $g(z_1,z_2$ can be represented as a convergent power series in the region of interest.