On the first question: Your inequality is incorrect for exponential type functions. Take $f(z)=e^z,\; g(z)=e^{-z}$, both have exponential type 1. These examples are of course not of the form of infinite product that you request.
But if $f$ is defined by an infinite product as you wrote, then (with usual understanding of an infinite product) the condition of convergence is
and this implies that your functions are of exponential type $0$. (Levin, Ch. I, section 4, Lemma 3).
Then $A_f=A_g=A_{fg}=0$, so your strict inequality is wrong and the non-strict inequality holds trivially.
In general, for functions of exponential type it is true that $A_{fg}\leq A_f+A_g$, and
equality can hold.
On your second question. To tell the exponential type of the infinite product from its zeros is possible (but not simple in general). Let $n(r)$ be the counting function of zeros. For functions of exponential type, $n(r)/r$ has finite upper limit as $r\to\infty$.
This is a consequence of Jensen's formula. But this upper limit is not simply related to the exponential type: the arguments of zeros also have a strong influence.
Simple relations can be obtained only in the (important) special cases, for example when the zeros are real, and limits $\lim n^+(r)/r$ and
$\lim n^-(r)/r$ exist, where $n_{\pm}$ counts the number of positive and negative zeros.
For the details, see B. Levin, Distribution of zeros of entire functions, AMS, 1970.
EDIT. @Christian Remling suggested to use the following definition of the class of sequences:
$$f(z)=\lim_{r\to\infty}\sum_{|a_n|\leq r}\left(1-\frac{z}{a_n}\right)$$
converges. Here is an example with $\max\{A_f,A_g\}>A_{fg}$ in this class.
I use the facts and notation from Levin's book, English edition.
Define $a_{2k}=k,\; a_{2k+1}=-k^2/(k+b),$ where $b>0$ is a constant to be chosen. Then define a canonical product of genus $1$:
$$F(z)=\prod_n\left(1-\frac{z}{a_n}\right)e^{\displaystyle z/a_n}.$$
To this function, Theorem 2 from section 1, Chapter II can be applied. In the notation of this section, we have $\tau_F=0$, and $d\Delta$ has two atoms of mass $1$: one at $0$ another at $\pi$. Then formula (2.06) gives
It is not surprising, of course that $F$ behaves like $\sin\pi z$, and this
can be proved by direct estimation, without a reference to Levin's book.
On the other hand, the product $f$ is conditionally convergent, so exponents
in the product of $F$ can be taken out, and we obtain
$$F(z)=f(z)\exp(-\pi^2b z/6).$$
Now it is clear that when $b$ is very large, the function $f$ behaves like an exponential, and we will have a counterexample with $g(z)=f(-z)$.
To be specific, take $b=7$. Then $A_f=\max_{\theta}H_f(\theta)> 3.5\pi.$ Take $g(z)=f(ze^{-3.4i})$ and we obtain
where I used Maple to plot trigonometric functions and read their maxima from display.
Notice: In the Russian edition of Levin, formula (2.06) is printed with a misprint.