A semigroup $S$ is called
$\bullet$ $n$-Shelah for a positive integer $n$ if $S=A^n$ for any subset $A\subset S$ of cardinality $|A|=|S|$;
$\bullet$ Shelah if $S$ is $n$-Shelah for some $n\in\mathbb N$.
Question. Can an infinite Shelah semigroup be commutative?
This problem was motivated by the following results:
Theorem (Shelah, 1980). For any infinite cardinal $\lambda$ with $\lambda^+=2^\lambda$ there exists a group $G$ of cardinality $|G|=\lambda^+$, which is a $6640$-Shelah semigroup.
Theorem (Banakh, 2022). For any cardinal $\lambda$ with $\lambda^+=2^\lambda$, every group $H$ of cardinality $|H|\le\lambda$ is a subgroup of a $36$-Shelah group $G$ of cardinality $|G|=\lambda^+$.
Corollary. Under CH there exists a Shelah semigroup of cardinality $\aleph_1$.
Theorem (Protasov, 2010). Each countable Shelah semigroup is finite.
Theorem (folklore?). A commutative group is finite iff it is a Shelah semigroup.
Proposition (@YCor, 2018). A group is finite iff it is a 3-Shelah semigroup.
Theorem (Todorcevic, 1987). There is a commutative binary operation $\cdot:X\times X\to X$ of a set $X$ of cardinality $|X|=\aleph_1$ such that $X=A^2:=\{ab:a,b\in A\}$ for any uncountable subset $A\subset X$.
Added in Edit, after reading the answer of Keith Kearnes who referred to the paper of Ralph McKenzie who studied Jonsson semigroups.
Let us recall that a semigroup $S$ is Jonsson if $S=\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb N}A^n$ for any subset $A\subset S$ of cardinality $|A|=|S|$. It is clear that each Shelah semigroup is Jonsson.
Theorem (McKenzie, 1971). A Jonsson semigroup $S$ of infinite cardinality $\kappa$ is a non-commutative group if $\mathrm{cf}(\kappa)>\omega$ or $2^{<\kappa}\le\kappa$.
McKenzie asked in his paper if this theorem remains true without set-theoretic assumptions.
Problem (McKenzie, 1971). Is each infinite Jonsson semigroup a group?
Is this problem of McKenzie still open?