For a symmetric p.s.d matrix $A \in \mathcal{R}^{n\times n}$, we can calculate its SVD as $A=USV^T$, then we can use the truncated SVD to approximate it with a low-rank matrix $\tilde{A} = \sum_i^dU_iS_iV_i^T$, my question is about the element-wise comparison between $A$ and $\tilde{A}$.
Empirically, I notice that it looks like for any $i$ and $j$, $A_{i,j}\tilde{A}_{i,j} > 0$, which means that truncated SVD will never flip the sign of an element.
Is this something known, or can we try to prove it?
Here is the script that I tried:
r = 0;
for i = 1:1000
A = rand(10);
A = A*A.';
[u, s, v] = svd(A);
s2 = s;
s2(3:end,3:end) = zeros(8);
B = u*s2*v.';
Z = A.*B;
r = r + sum(sum(Z<0));