Given $\mathbb{B} = \langle B, \wedge, \vee, \neg, 0, 1 \rangle$ an atomless complete Boolean algebra that has a $< \mkern-4mu \kappa$-closed dense subset and is $\kappa^+$-c.c., we define a forcing notion $\mathbb{P} = \langle P, \leq \rangle$, as follows:
a condition $p \in P$ is any partial function from $B^-$ into $B^- \times B^-$ (where $B^- = B - \{1\}$) such that
- $|dom(p)| < \kappa$,
- whenever we have $a, b \in dom(p)$, $a \vee b \neq 1$, $p(a) = (a_0, a_1)$ and $p(b) = (b_0, b_1)$, we must also have $a_0 \wedge b_1 = 0$ and $a_1 \wedge b_0 = 0$,
- (optional) for all $a \in dom(p)$, if $p(a) = (a_0, a_1)$ then $a_0 \vee a_1 = a$.
$p \leq q$ iff $p$ extends $q$ as a function.
What can we say about the c.c.-ness of $\mathbb{P}$? Also, what additional assumptions on $\mathbb{B}$ and on $\kappa$ are sufficient to make $\mathbb{P}$ $\kappa^+$-c.c.?
EDIT: I try to describe better what the conditions of the forcing entail, and made requirement 3. optional if it helps with answering the questions without that requirement. This is motivated by comments from Andreas Blass.