In the "positive" direction, there exist some deep results (called Z-set unknotting theorems) on extensions of homeomorphisms between Z-sets of Menger manifolds, see Theorem 4.1.18 in the book "Inverse Spectra" of Chigogidze.
In the simplest form the Z-set Unknotting Theorem (proved by Bestvina) says that a homeomorphism $h:A\to B$ between two $Z$-sets of the $n$-dimensional Menger cube $M$ extends to a homeomorphism of $M$.
A closed subset $A$ of a compact topological space $X$ is called a $Z$-set in $M$ if the set of maps $M\to M\setminus A$ is dense in the space of all self-maps of $M$, endowed with the compact-open topology. Each Z-set is nowhere dense in $M$.
If $M$ is zero-dimensional, then a closed subset $A\subset M$ is a $Z$-set if and only if it is nowhere dense. In particular, any homeomorphism between closed nowhere dense subsets of the Cantor set $M$ extends to a homeomorphism of $M$.